DepthQ Polarization Modulator

DepthQ Polarization Modulator
DepthQ Polarization Modulator

DepthQ Passive Polarization for Advanced 3D Visualization. Newly patented* technology makes DepthQ the world’s fastest polarization switch for advanced 3D visualization. With a powered, symmetrical 50 microsecond switching time between the eyes, DepthQ easily ensures bright, low-crosstalk operation - even at the upcoming 3D HFR (high frame rate) targets of 192 FPS, 240 FPS...and beyond. When combined with a silver screen, the DepthQ Polarization Modulator allows your 3D-ready projector to display stunning stereoscopic 3D content, viewable using inexpensive passive circular polarized glasses. Paired with projectors up to 30K Lumens, DepthQ provides a spectacular 3D experience for screens up to 17.7m (58ft). The new DepthQ Polarization Modulators electronically switch the polarization orientation of light passing through them. In combination with a polarization-preserving screen and a single-lens stereoscopic 3D projector (as bright as you need - no lamp/Lumens limit with the large modulator), this enables high-brightness, low-ghost viewing using lightweight & comfortable passive 3D eyewear.

  • Bright, low-ghost 3D
  • High Frame Rate (HFR) ready
  • Two sizes available, Large and Small Heat-tolerant, Large model accepts up to 34K Lumens, Small accepts up to 4K Lumens
  • Supports 3D screen sizes from ~2 to 18.3 m (6 to 60 ft)
  • Solid-state switch, low cost/maintenance
  • Works with all DLP 3D-ready projectors
  • Compatible w/standard circular polarized 3D glasses

Large Aperture

17.15 x 9.78 cm (6.75 x 3.85 in)

Small Aperture

9.84 x 6.11 cm (3.875 x 2.41 in)


>100 : 1 in each eye


~15% Full System Efciency

Screen Size

Based on your projector brightness, from ~2 to 18.3 m (6 to 60 ft)

Switching Time

50 μsec (symmetrical)

Operating Speed

120, 144, 192, 240 Frames Per Second (FPS) - Up to 400 FPS

Heat Protection

Metallic Pre-Polarizer (on Large model)

Operating Temp

(Optional) Two-position relay closure for 2D to 3D switching


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Our office hours are 9:30am-5:30pm weekdays — please drop by, call us or fill in the contact form so we can reply to you shortly.

Magna-Tech Electronic Co., Inc.
6114 NW 74th Ave.
Miami FL 33166 USA
Phone: (305) 573-7339
Fax: (305) 573-8101
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