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- Cinema architectural design
Cinema architectural design
With the correct study and planning of the proposed cinema space, our team could increase the efficiency of the cinema complex up to 70%.
Magna-Tech Electronic, has accumulated a unique experience over the years by making more than 300 cinemas worldwide. We have created small cinemas, multiplexes and “turn-key” projects, based in our vast experience, so if the cinema has been created correctly it will be a success for your business.
The goal of a good quality project is to make the most efficient use of the square meters available, to save on space leasing and construction costs.
The task of the quality project in to create a profit-oriented design for the cinema owner.
The process consist of three steps:
- Planning
- Design
- Engineering
Our interaction and cooperation with the client, is the key point to the successful planning and design of the project. We understand every client has different points of view but we will advise them based in our experience, to achieve better results.
STEP 1. Planning
Planning is one of the main stages of the cinema design. At the planning phase, the available area provided by the client is verified and we try to optimized the layout of the auditoriums and support spaces based on the existing location of the structural columns in case they are present and if not, we will suggest the best layout possible for the structure of the building, and also we will plan for the necessary infrastructure to handle the disabled, emergency exits etc.
Not all architectural firms are capable of handling and create a successful design for a movie complex. This task should be handled by a person well versed in the cinema design and film exhibition business.
In our case, we entrust this important work to our experienced designer, Arturo Quintero who has created more than 200 cinemas around the world.
We try in our designs to reduce the total area of the project by 30% or as much as feasible, minimize the number of staff in your theater by 40%, and reduce the operating costs to increase the profitability of your project.
How does it work?
Refer to the project that has been implemented in one of the venues.
In the center of the city on the sixth floor of the building, the owners had planned to place the Cinema Complex and entertainment area. We received a floor plan of the area indicating the total area allotted for the location of the cinema. The Cinema consists of 5300 m2 at the time.
Based on our of knowledge over the past 15 years as well as statistical data of theaters in various towns, the calculation of the business model was made taking into consideration to have either 6, 8, 10 or 15 auditoriums. The customer decided that the best option for his business plan was 8 auditoriums with a total number of 1200-1400 seats. According to the study, traffic may be about 25-35 thousand visitors per month.
Once we started the planning phase, we determined the location of existing columns that could not be removed or relocate, lack of restroom facilities and the available possible emergency evacuation routes to create the emergency exits from the different auditoriums.
After receiving the initial drawing from the client, within one and half week we provided to the customer a preliminary plan and sections of the auditoriums.
On our preliminary plan, we included all the layout of the 8 auditoriums showing seating layouts with number of seats, screen location, projection room, access and emergency exits from auditoriums, support areas under the stadium seating void spaces, restroom areas, concession areas, ticket sale area, and support office space.
Also we provided a preliminary section drawing of the auditorium, showing the development of the stadium seating raisers, screen side view, sightline study from each seat to the screen viewing area, projection room floor elevation with projection angle study to the screen and suggested auditorium ceiling height.
As a result to our design study we were able to reduce the area for the development of the cinema to 4,000 m2 (30% less than projected)
Optimized the flow of patrons entering the cinema lobby, better circulation around the concession area, concession backroom support, comfortable access to auditoriums, new area for the male and female restrooms and space for manager office and support rooms.
Another example of our work.
The design of this project was made originally by another architectural firm, and the client asked us to review the project in order to make it as efficient as possible.
The original project shows 3 auditoriums and the distances between columns was 7.5m, and as a result the total width of the auditoriums will only allowed a maximum screen width of 5.2m and the number of seats on each auditorium were 49/57/73 respectively with a total of 179 seats only.
Once we reviewed the project and created our new preliminary plan for the client, we were able to locate the auditoriums in a different orientation within the space available, gaining more auditorium width and increasing the seat count on each auditorium as well as the size of the screen.
The result shows now a Premiere Auditorium with 112 seats and a screen width of 8m.
Second auditorium with 102 seats and a screen width of 7.2m
Third auditorium with 65 seats and a screen width of 5.2 meters.
As a result we were able to gain a total of 279 seats versus 179 as originally planned increasing the total number of seats by 100 which is 56% that the initial design. This notable change will certainly bring additional profit margin to the cinema owner.
Once this preliminary drawing was given to the customer further discussions and reviews were made between our engineering team and the owner, and it was possible to remove 3 of the existing columns of the project and redistribute the load between supports. By doing this additional change we were able to increase the number of seats and the width of the screen.
As a result we created two auditoriums with 105 seats each and 9.5m wide screens, and one auditorium with 78 seats and 6.4m wide screen.
This second review allow us to offer the customer a 3-Plex cinema with a total of 287seats versus 179 as originally planned with an increase of 60% seat capacity.
We can be confident that both projects comply with of all international requirements for the design of Cinemas. Location of auditoriums, lobby areas for visitors, restroom facilities, overall design concepts, and good planning in staff can significantly increase the profitability.
With proper planning for your cinema you will never encounter problems as big crowds around the ticket office or concession area counters, faulty designed auditoriums with poor access or impaired sightlines, spending extra money of leasing areas that may be too costly, heating, lighting, etc.
STEP 2. Design
Create a unique design
Interior design of cinema auditoriums and public spaces is one of the key factors for a successful project.
For sure you have a favorite movie theater and least favorite ones. Often the choice depends not only on location but ticket prices. An important role is played by the interior theater. Our company creates unique and memorable interiors.
Even if you have a very tight budget, we can help develop the project and your guests will measure the result. Our specialists can solve non-standard problems, to realize the most daring ideas, to create wonderful projects. It will form the basis of your film business.
STEP 3: Detailed Engineering
After the planning and design phase are completed the most critical one will be the third phase which includes a set of engineering drawings that we provide to our customers outlining all the details and engineering for the project with regard to the existing international standards codes and recommendations. This set of drawings will show all dimensioning for the auditoriums in plan and section, location of projection equipment, sound equipment, screen frame, screen masking and curtains, seats layouts, all electrical conduits runs, electrical loads, data cabling routing, cinema network system, projection exhaust ventilation, fire alarm, video systems, concession area equipment, ticketing systems etc.
There are three simple steps to a successful and profitable theater, and we can help you achieve this results.
We distribute all major brands, we know which one work better and can give good advice and provide discounts from manufacturers.
It is very easy to make a lot of mistakes when you don’t have the guide and support of a reputable Cinema Design company, creating difficult problems to resolve once the construction is done.
Our commitment to the client is that even after the final set of drawing is done, we will support you during the entire process of the project and we will be able to assist you in the implementation of your projects.
Audit of compliance in this case, makes it possible to adjust the time for the work of builders and avoid unnecessary problems.
Based on our own experience in cinema management, is stipulated that well designed auditoriums, cinema arrangement of functional spaces for maximum ease of maintenance and a reduction in the required number of employees for these facilities, can increase the total revenue to 35% of the cinema. Adding to this, a reduction in air conditioning costs, heating, ventilation, cleaning, and energy usage, we obtain a further 10%. The convenient location of the bar area, the optimal number of points of sale, and congestion relief from patrons gives an additional 25% of revenue to the cinema owner.