Beabloo Analytics

Beabloo Analytics
Beabloo Analytics

Beabloo is devoted to developing and delivering a state-of-the-art, lightweight and scalable in-store analytics solution for retailers to enhance decision-making based on customer behavior. Beabloo Analytics solution empowers retailers to make data-driven decisions that enhance in-store sales performance and customer loyalty. By utilizing precise store-by-store metrics, retailers are able to understand customer patterns and make adjustments accordingly.

  • Optimized operational efficiency. Improve overall performance by optimizing marketing spend, staffing allocations and store opening hours.
  • Apply best practices across stores. Identify and distribute best practices between stores. Understand practices that result in inferior performance.
  • Optimized experience and loyalty. Identify, test and adopt store layouts and concepts that result in improved customer engagement, loyalty and sales.
  • Increased Average Store Performance. Bridge performance gaps between stores by creating benchmarks and setting up relevant KPIs.
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Our office hours are 9:30am-5:30pm weekdays — please drop by, call us or fill in the contact form so we can reply to you shortly.

Magna-Tech Electronic Co., Inc.
6114 NW 74th Ave.
Miami FL 33166 USA
Phone: (305) 573-7339
Fax: (305) 573-8101
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